Lord Krishna is present in everyone’s heart waiting for us to discard sense enjoyment and turn towards Him.
A Vaishnava, one who has surrendered to the lotus feet of Lord Vishnu, is always protected by Lord Vishnu’s order carriers.
What do the sadhus do? They engage you in “bhajan kriya.” Then one becomes free from all the undesirable, unwanted stuff that is called “anarthas.” One becomes free from anarthas, then in business fixed-up, steady, convinced and ready to move only forward.
Those, who are getting together and doing “varta”, discussions or maybe studying on their own remembering the pastimes of the Lord, that person is not losing time. He is on time, he is with the time. He is with the Lord. The Lord is time. Those who do not make the best use of the time, they are left behind.
Just do “Mahat Seva”, that is serving the great devotees of the Lord, being in association with them and hearing from them.
Bring the prayerful mood and remembrance, so that it is not just a machine like chanting. Even if external chanting and lip movement are there, the mind has to be involved, intelligence has to be activated, and the soul needs to be stirred up.