The spiritual master sows the seed of bhakti lata bija in the hearts, which are ready, fertile, some cultivation is already done.
Our bhakti is protected in the association of devotees. Bhakti grows, flourishes, thrives in the association of devotees.
We cannot survive without sadhu-sanga, this is our basic essential need, the soul’s need. Sadhu means other devotees, sadhus, the advanced devotees.
Let us all push forward the mission of Srila Prabhupada. You will need to take now responsibility on your shoulders. Time is less and lot of seva is pending. I can’t do it alone, I need help.
The mind is the principal cause of bondage and the same mind also could become the cause of our moksha, liberation. So this mind factor is a very meagere factor in our lives. In fact, we are governed by the mind’s dictations, knowingly or unknowingly we will follow them all the time.
In between the ear and atma there is mana you should take care that mana does not create disturbance in hearing.